Accessing the Bulk Email
Bulk Email gives the facility to send Emails to a large group of patients at once. PureEHR also provides this function. Follow the given steps to know how to use bulk email in PureEHR.
Logging into PureEHR
Go to Contact Patient under the Report Menu.
On the first and upper part of the page, you will see are the filters.
You can filter out the patients to send an email by using this function.
On the second and bottom part of the page, you will see the function of bulk email.
Here you can create, Save and send the Dynamic email temples. And also send an email for PurePortal activation.
Use Of Filters For Shorting Patients
To filter out the patient using their Demographic information select the filters of State, Zip Code, Age group, and Gender.
To Filter out Patients Using the Date of joining or Appointment Date Select the Date Rage For Appointment And For Patient’s joining date as shown below.
Along with this Patients Can be filtered out by their Appointment Visit Profile.
To send an Email to the patient to update the Identification & Insurance Document Select the Pending Documents as shown below.
To send email to patients to update their new Credit Card details select Filter as shown below.
To filter out patients for their current Problems and Diseases use Filter of Problem List and Chief Complaint as shown below.
After Selecting All the Filter click on Search Button.
To Reset the filters click on Clear Filter.
First, click on the Create Email Template button.
Now write down the Subject.
After that click on Add New button for adding a new template.
Now write the email in the given text area as shown below.
Now Click on the Save Draft button.
Your email template has been successfully added.
First, select the Patient from the Check box given on the right side of the screen to whom you want to send emails.
Then click on the Bulk Email button as shown below.
Now select the Email template from the Dropdown.
To add a new Email template Click on Add New situated on the right side of the screen.
You can also edit the Subject line and body of the Email.
To remove the Patient from the Bulk email list click on the X icon placed on the name of the patient as shown below.
Now for the Final step Click on Send button situated at the bottom of the page.
Emails have been successfully sent to all the selected patients.
How to Send PurePORTAL Activation using Bulk email?
Select NO in PurePortal Activation in Filters as shown below.
Now you can see the result in the patient chart as shown below.
Now click the first check box to select all the patients as shown below.
Now click on the Bulk PurePortal Activation button.
All the selected patients have successfully sent emails for PurePortal Activation.
After filtering the Patient to export the list of patients in Excel follow the given steps.
Select all the Required Filter and click on the Search button.
Now Click on the Download XLS button.
The patient list will be exported to Excel and the file will be downloaded into the system.