Access Management allows the user to view roles and permissions for the provider and staff members. The user can set the permission and can also take the permission from the provider and staff members. Providers and Staff members who are not permitted to use certain modules cannot access them. For example, if a staff member is denied access to the patient chart, the staff will be able to see the patient list but will be unable to access the patient chart.
Accessing the Access Management
Click on the Settings from the main menu and then go to the Practice Management menu and select the Access Management tab.
This will redirect you to the Access Management module.
To View List Of All The Permissions
When the user clicks on the Permissions tab, the user can see the list of all the permissions with their respective descriptions as shown below.
To View List Of All The Roles
To view a list of all the roles, click on the Roles from the left menu as shown below.
The list of all the roles will be shown as shown below
View Permissions Of The Roles
To view permissions of the roles, click on the view permissions icon under the Action column as shown below.
This will allow you to view a list of all the permissions given to the particular role as shown below.
Editing The Permission of the Roles
There are two types of roles
System-created roles.
System-created roles are the roles that the user does not create. System-created roles cannot be edited by the user.
Custom-created roles
The roles which are created by the user are custom-created roles. Permission of these roles can be edited by the user.
Click on the Edit role icon under the Actions column as shown below.
Edit the information and permissions you want to edit, then click on the Save button.
Creating Custom Roles
To create custom roles, go to the Roles tab from the left menu as shown below.
Click on the +Role button on the screen's top right corner as shown below.
Enter the Name and Description of the role and assign permissions as shown below.
Now click on the Save button as shown below.
Your role will be created successfully.
Active/Deactive Custom Roles
To active the custom role, switch ON the switch under the Active/Deactive column as shown below.
To deactivate the custom role, switch OFF the switch under the Active/Deactive column as shown below.
View/Edit Provider Permission
Click on the Provider tab as shown below.
Click on the View/Edit Permission icon under the Action column as shown below.
Edit the permission according to the requirement and click on the Save button.
The permissions will be edited successfully.
View/Edit Staff Permission
Go to the Staff tab from the left menu as shown below.
Now click on the View/Edit Permission icon under the Actions column as shown below.
Edit the permission according to your requirement and then click on the Save button.
Your permissions are saved successfully.